Final line-up showcases HR excellence in a tough climate

The wait is finally over. HRD Canada, supported by Canadian HR Reporter, is proud to unveil the finalists for the 7th annual Canadian HR Awards.
The selection of top-performing HR teams, leaders, employers and service providers offers a true reflection of excellence in the HR profession.
“This has been an incredibly challenging year for HR professionals,” said Canadian HR Awards project director Jessica Duce. “The list of finalists is a true snapshot of the best and brightest in HR and honours those who have stepped up and put their people first at a time when it mattered most. It’s our honour to acknowledge and celebrate this deserving group at the September show.”
So, who made the list? See here.
The Gold and Silver Winners will be revealed at the first-ever virtual Canadian HR Awards gala on Sept. 16 and profiled in Canadian HR Reporter. Further event details will be available soon.
We would like to thank our readers for the incredible response to the nationwide call for nominations, as well as our esteemed event partners for supporting HR excellence.