Performance management

Your employee is accused of harassing a customer – now what?

Two recent cases in Ontario highlight risks for employers when employees misbehave on the front lines

Your employee is accused of harassing a customer – now what?

Too much control? Why HR should be adopting self-determination theory

Study cites downsides of 'agency theory' and upsides of self-determination to improve employee engagement, ethics

Too much control? Why HR should be adopting self-determination theory

Federal worker claims attendance management program discriminatory

Worker required to provide medical certificates for absences related to medical conditions

Federal worker claims attendance management program discriminatory

Constructive dismissal? Worker quits after removal from one of two roles

B.C. worker hired to fill two roles; removed from one for 'making mistakes'

Constructive dismissal? Worker quits after removal from one of two roles

CRA executive challenges prorating of performance award

Prorating under policy due to missed time on medical leave

CRA executive challenges prorating of performance award

How to handle a whistleblower making false allegations

Jazz Aviation case highlights protections, best practices for employers facing whistleblowing claims

How to handle a whistleblower making false allegations