Performance management

Going beyond executive comp, LEGO link sustainability targets to salaried workforce

'We've introduced an annual KPI to reward colleagues for contributing to our reduction targets'

Going beyond executive comp, LEGO link sustainability targets to salaried workforce

Employment lawyer set to be reprimanded for ‘abusive, offensive’ behaviour

Canadian lawyer Lior Samfiru allegedly wanted to sue client for $1.25 million after bad review

Employment lawyer set to be reprimanded for ‘abusive, offensive’ behaviour

Former TD Bank employee accused of money laundering violations

Ex-employee helped move millions of dollars from U.S. to Colombia

Former TD Bank employee accused of money laundering violations

How to be an effective HR leader when your CEO is toxic

'It's the HR folks who are the toxic handlers – they're wearing the hazmat suits before they go into that person's office'

How to be an effective HR leader when your CEO is toxic

Bayer announces shift to ‘decentralized’ management structure – can it work for your organization?

'If every unit could give people a little more autonomy, that would make a big difference,' says Canadian academic

Bayer announces shift to ‘decentralized’ management structure – can it work for your organization?

Can a PIP be considered a ‘traumatic or work-related stressor’?

Recent B.C. case cites mental health challenges of performance improvement plans – and serves as reminder of legalities, best practice

Can a PIP be considered a ‘traumatic or work-related stressor’?