New contract aligned to recent wage settlements in South African metals industry
Bokoni Platinum Mines reached a two-year wage agreement with its recognized labour union bodies, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), Togetherness Amalgamated Workers Union of South Africa (TAWUSA) and the United Association of South Africa (UASA). The agreement was announced by Atlatsa Resources Corporation.
The agreement is effective from July 1, 2014, until June 30, 2016. The new contract will apply to all employees within the respective bargaining and operation units at Bokoni Mine.
Atlatsa reports the wage agreement – which was aligned to recent settlements in the South African platinum group metals industry – includes an increase to the employees’ basic rate of pay which is abouve the South African consumer price index inflation rate. The agreement also reportedly includes productivity-bonus incentives as well as medical, housing and travel allowances.
“We are pleased with the constructive and respectful manner in which the Bokoni Mine management and labour unions progressed and concluded their wage negotiations,” said Harold Motaung, chief executive officer of Atlatsa. “The finalisation of the wage agreement support labour stability at the mine and bodes well for our ongoing working relationship with our employees, labour unions and broader stakeholder groups.”