Despite positive forecast, 1,500 part-time jobs are gone
Employment in Canada saw some positive growth last month as the unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent, down 0.1 per cent from last month. There was unexpected decrease in jobs, however, as 1,500 part-time jobs fell to the wayside last month, compared to a forecasted gain of a 26,500 jobs.
Employment, overall, does show signs of growth. Over the past 12 months, total gains in full-time employment rose to 251,000, which is up 1.8 per cent. Additionally, the total number of part time jobs increased by 54,000 or 1.7 percent in the past year
Increases in March were mostly concentrated in the accommodation and food services sector, which added 36,000 jobs. The construction sector also saw a significant rise of 24,000 jobs.
While no province made noticeable changes in its job rates, Prince Edward Island edged upwards by 1,400. Quebec lost 15,000 jobs, but held the unemployment rate steady at 7.7%.
The public sector saw a decrease by 27,200 jobs after leading the private sector for much of the past year. The number of self-employed remained nearly stagnant at 17,400.
American unemployment statistics were released last week. Rates remain almost unchanged at 8.8 per cent. Since November 2010, the rate has dropped a full percentage point. In March, “non-farm employment” increased by 216,000.
U.S. employment in the private sector grew the most with a gain of 230,000. However, local government numbers continued to decline by 14,000 last month, while federal government employment rose by 1,000.