The rise of a static workforce & the critical role HR plays in tackling the most common injury

The rise of a static workforce & the critical role HR plays in tackling the most common injury

Labour demands are high, and there has never been a more important time for companies to nurture healthy, productive workers. But with the rise of hybrid work environments, a confluence of trends is pointing to the growing occurrence of neck and back conditions among employees. 

This free and comprehensive white paper proposes that employer focus on musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions in the workplace – a driver of disability, productivity, and claims – is long overdue.

If this hidden workplace crisis is to be addressed, it’s important for HR to consider paramedical benefits not as a 'compensation expense' but rather an investment into productivity and a competitive advantage.

Most importantly, learn about the key strategies HR professionals can implement to promote healthy and mobile employees, while lowering absence and disability costs.

Download your free copy now and gain insight into:

  • The rise of a static workforce and the strategic role HR can play
  • New data on how to reduce claims
  • The musculoskeletal health crisis and how it impacts your workforce and employees
  • Why the time is now to be investing in paramedical benefits
  • Why 'Rehabilitation' is the watchword for 2023


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