Screen Stress Syndrome: Tackle the growing threat and retain employees

Screen Stress Syndrome: Tackle the growing threat and retain employees

New research shows that more than half of North American workers are impaired. They are angry and disengaged – and it could all be due to Screen Stress Syndrome – a growing, chronic, and underacknowledged health crisis.  

If not tackled and resolved, Screen Stress Syndrome can intensify into irritability, stress, a decline in sales and retention. You can also risk losing your most high-performing employees.

In this free comprehensive report, you will learn the factors contributing to the rise of Screen Stress Syndrome, and how your business can implement effective measures and strategies, resulting in employees who are motivated, engaged, able to meet their KPIs – and above all, experience better mental health at work.

Download the free report today and gain insight on:

  • The relationship between negative messaging and screen time 
  • A unique strategy on how to reduce screen stress for your employees
  • Top tips to limit exposure to screen stress and break negative work patterns


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