Remote employee feedback & performance management

As an HR professional, you know that feedback is invaluable to your team, you and your organization. Now, with so much uncertainty it may be tempting to take the “easy way out” removing feedback from your manager’s already lengthy to-do-list. Regrettably avoiding feedback for any length of time, is a direct path to making your management team’s work a lot harder.

With a remote workforce now commonplace - staff are especially tuned into leadership as they look for direction, support, and motivation. Leaders must build new communication and behavioral practices that reinforce a positive, healthy culture.

This session will identify proven performance management strategy, today’s best-in-class technology and the techniques to deliver remote and empathetic employee feedback.

By adopting the practices discussed, you will emerge from this crisis with a productive, cohesive staff and culture. Don’t let remote employees slip away and feel “out of sight, out of mind.”

Better feedback is your path to better relationships, better performance and — believe it or not — more fun!

Readers will take away:

  • Research that supports a strong business case to introduce a new way of performing employee feedback
  • Actionable steps to conduct remote employee feedback and performance reviews
  • The do's and don't s of delivering remote employee feedback