You know you want to… (National HR Awards)

Now’s the time to enter your nomination for our first-ever National HR Awards

People are an organization’s biggest asset — and we want to honour organizations that understand this. HR departments across Canada are taking on increasingly strategic roles, driving human capital management strategies and helping their organizations outperform competitors across the country and around the world.

With this in mind, Canadian HR Reporter is proud to present the inaugural National HR Awards.

It makes sense — since 1987, we have been the trusted source of news and information for human resources professionals. Published by Thomson Reuters, we bring unparalleled credibility and ethics to the world of workplace reporting.

These awards are about substance, not style. We are going to celebrate the winners in a special issue of Canadian HR Reporter on Sept. 21, in which we will tell the stories of the winners. We are also producing an exclusive series of videos with the winning organizations — it will be unparalleled, inspiring coverage of the best practices in the country.

And we’ve put together a judging panel of experts from across the country.

But we need your help to make it happen. We need you to shed your cloaks of modesty and shine a light on the work you do every day in your organizations.

Don’t be shy — some of the best stories we’ve heard over the years have come from HR practitioners who didn’t think they were doing anything special. What seems routine to you could be groundbreaking to other organizations. 

In 2015, we will be honouring HR departments across Canada in 11 special award categories. Nominations close July 31, 2015, so be sure to get your application in today. 

To apply, visit And if you have any questions, contact associate publisher and managing editor Todd Humber at [email protected].

Award categories:
•Best Diversity Program
•Best Recruitment Program
•HR Challenge Award
•Canadian Lawyer Magazine’s Employment Lawyer of the Year
•Best Employee Communications Program
•Best Corporate T&D Program
•Venngo Employee Engagement Award
•Best CSR Program
•Best Recognition Program
•Technology/Innovation Award
•Healthy Workplaces Award

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