Work-life balance has greatest impact on job satisfaction

Opportunity to learn and grow also valued: Survey

 Thirty-eight per cent of professionals identify work-life balance as the top contributor to their job satisfaction, according to an OfficeTeam survey of 210 Canadian workers.

Opportunities to learn and grow came in second, with 20 per cent of the response.

"Aside from salary, which one of the following aspects of your job is most tied to your satisfaction?"

Work-life balance


Opportunities to learn and grow


A good working relationship with boss


Ability to accomplish goals


Don’t know


"Professional priorities change over time," said Robert Hosking, executive director of OfficeTeam. "Because there's no one-size-fits-all formula for encouraging job satisfaction, supervisors should get to know their team members individually to better understand what motivates and inspires each of them."

OfficeTeam offered five tips managers can use to help their teams achieve work-life balance:
Be flexible: If it's practical for your business, offer alternative work arrangements such as modified schedules or job sharing.
Reduce their commute: Give personnel whose jobs can be done remotely the option of working from home one or more days per week.
Watch the clock: Avoid contacting staff outside of office hours unless the matter is urgent and cannot wait until the next business day.
Take a breather: Remind workers to take breaks and vacations. Set a good example by doing so yourself.
Bring in reinforcements: Encourage employees to seek help when they are overwhelmed with projects. Use temporary professionals, when necessary, to alleviate workloads.

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