Twittering tomcat

British embassy's 'chief mouser' a social media star

Twittering tomcat
Lawrence of Abdoun has 6,400 followers on Twitter. Twitter

AMMAN, JORDAN — Following in the tradition of government ministries in London, the British embassy in Jordan now has a “chief mouser” walking the halls, according to Reuters.

The former rescue cat, Lawrence of Abdoun, is a fluffy black-and-white Tom who reports directly to the Foreign Office’s Palmerston — a feline with 57,000 followers on Twitter who provided regular updates @DiploMog.

Lawrence already has more than 6,400 followers on Twitter @LawrenceDipCat.

“Apart from his mousing duties, he reaches out to followers on Twitter. What’s quite interesting is the British public are seeing the U.K. embassy in Jordan in a different light,” said deputy ambassador Laura Dauban.

“Through Lawrence’s Twitter account, we’re trying to show a different side to Jordan, what it is really like — a peaceful, prosperous country that British tourists should come and visit.”

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