Tips for promoting innovative ideas
A recent survey of advertising and marketing executives reveals that creativity declines under pressure.
An independent research firm polled 250 such executives, asking them to identify from a given list the single most common source of creative blocks for employees. Tight deadlines was ranked first by 47 per cent of the group, with lack of inspiration coming in second at 14 per cent.
A shortage of innovative ideas is bad for business, according to the survey sponsor, The Creative Group, a specialized staffing service that provides marketing, advertising, creative and web professionals on a project basis in the United States and Canada. Managers should therefore do their best to cultivate employee creativity.
The Creative Group offers the following tips to maximize creative output:
•make it business as unusual: continuously solicit employee feedback on how to work more efficiently and effectively;
•avoid burnout: make sure employees are provided sufficient time, not only to do their jobs, but to do them well; and
•promote collaboration: if your office environment is too competitive, staff members may hesitate to share ideas. Create policies that support the exchange of information and reward team efforts.
An independent research firm polled 250 such executives, asking them to identify from a given list the single most common source of creative blocks for employees. Tight deadlines was ranked first by 47 per cent of the group, with lack of inspiration coming in second at 14 per cent.
A shortage of innovative ideas is bad for business, according to the survey sponsor, The Creative Group, a specialized staffing service that provides marketing, advertising, creative and web professionals on a project basis in the United States and Canada. Managers should therefore do their best to cultivate employee creativity.
The Creative Group offers the following tips to maximize creative output:
•make it business as unusual: continuously solicit employee feedback on how to work more efficiently and effectively;
•avoid burnout: make sure employees are provided sufficient time, not only to do their jobs, but to do them well; and
•promote collaboration: if your office environment is too competitive, staff members may hesitate to share ideas. Create policies that support the exchange of information and reward team efforts.