Student wage subsidy available to Ontario employers

$2 per hour subsidy available for up to 16 weeks for students working between April and Sept. 30

Ontario employers looking for summer help can tap into a provincial program that helps place students in summer jobs.

The province said it will help more than 57,000 young people find jobs or start their own businesses through the Ontario Summer Jobs program.

Opportunities exist for businesses and community organizations to get a $2 per hour wage subsidy to hire students for up to 16 weeks. The program also provides students with up to $3,000 to help them start up and run their own summer businesses.

“We are building an economy based on high skills and high standards by developing one of the world’s best workforces,” said Mary Anne Chambers, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities.

The $2 per hour wage subsidy is available for jobs with businesses and farms, as well as with non-profit and other community organizations. The wage support can last up to 16 weeks from April to Sept. 30.

For more information visit or call (888) JOB-GROW or (416) 326-5656 in Toronto.

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