Sisters charged with larceny for work in school cafeteria
NEW CANAAN, CONN. — Also said to be behaving badly were two sisters who worked at a school cafeteria in Connecticut.
The women were recently charged with stealing US$478,588 over five years from their employer.
Joanne Pascarelli and Marie Wilson were charged with larceny and defrauding a public community, according to the New Canaan News.
The two were placed on administrative leave and have since resigned.
For several years, the average daily deposit from one school where the women worked ranged from US$18 to US$33 a day, but after a new software installation in 2016 began documenting cash intake, daily deposits went up to an average of US$93 per day, and later US$183 per day.
The sisters are denying the allegations, and Wilson’s attorney said the accusations were false and misleading: “There is much more to this story.”