Runaway chainsaw

Chaotic tree-work scene caught on video

Runaway chainsaw
Tree work almost turned fatal for two people working on branches in Kitchener, Ont. Havroshechka/Shutterstock

KITCHENER, Ont. —  It has to be seen to be believed.

Tree work almost turned fatal for two people working on branches in Kitchener, Ont.

With both standing on a ladder, the contractor’s chainsaw stuck in a branch suddenly came loose and swung precariously toward a woman on the ladder below, according to the Daily Mail.

A video captures the terrifying incident, which resulted in no injuries, though a larger ladder knocked over by the branch hit the contractor on his helmet, knocking it off.

“The ensuing chaos of falling chainsaws and rickety ladders is right out of Final Destination,” says the videographer, referring to the horror movie.

“There had already been a few near misses, so I didn’t have a lot of confidence that the contractor knew what he was doing,” says the observer. “He looked like he was in over his head.”

Maybe buy some chainsaw safety equipment there, eh...

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