Rotman ICPM welcoming research proposals

First deadline Feb. 20

The Rotman International Centre for Pension Management (ICPM), a research centre at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, has announced the 2012 ICPM call for research proposals.

Papers will be reviewed by the ICPM research committee. Research proposals must have significant international interest or implications and cannot be too narrowly focused.

Criteria/topics of interest:
•collaborative strategies
•pension design
•pension/investment regulation
•agency Issues
•governance/organizational design
•investment beliefs
•risk measurement/management
•strategy implementation.

The deadline for “Intent to submit a research proposal” is Feb. 20, 2012, and only selected submissions will be invited to move to the next phase. The deadline for the full research proposal is April 5, 2012.

Submission guidelines are available on the ICPM website and can be accessed by by visiting Applicants can select “Apply for Research Funding” for submission guidelines and select “Research Papers” to view previously funded research.

Winners will be announced in the Rotman International Journal of Pension Management.

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