Ottawa offers incentives to hire students with disabilities

The federal government is providing wage subsidies to encourage the hiring of students with disabilities.

The deadline for employers to submit an application for a subsidy from Human Resources Development Canada is March 28 (April 4 for the Northwest Territories and Nunavut).

HRDC’s Summer Career Placements program offers wage subsidies to employers in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors to create jobs related to students’ career interests and their fields of study.

Employers are eligible to receive up to 100 per cent of the provincial or territorial minimum wage if they hire a student with a disability through the Summer Career Placements program. Also, $3,000 per student may be made available for accommodating students with a disability. This would involve personal tools and adaptations that the students would need for their own use on the job.

Employers that want to participate in the program can contact their nearest HRDC office. For more information, visit or call the toll-free Youth Info Line at 1-800-935-5555 to get a free copy of the Student Summer Job Action 2003 brochure.

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