One-half consider boss effective coach: Survey
When it comes to coaching, Canadian employers could make some improvements, according to Robert Half, provider of specialized recruitment.
While office workers said career coaching helps improve their job performance (82 per cent), motivation at work (63 per cent) and overall job satisfaction (87 per cent), only 53 per cent feel their manager is an effective career coach.
The career coaching gap is highlighted by the fact 31 per cent of employees said they never get career coaching from their boss, while 24 per cent only get it once a year, found the survey of 500 employees.
Mutual trust and respect as well as knowledge and expertise are the top attributes for a career coach, according to respondents.
"Ensuring the team has the mentoring and coaching they need to be successful in their roles will help companies get the most out of their workforce as employees will feel a heightened sense of satisfaction and a greater drive to perform at their very best," said Kathryn Bolt, president of Robert Half Canada. "Organizations who instill effective leadership and management strategies also earn the reputation as a great place to work, to both current top performers and potential future hires."
There are four coach types, according to Robert Half:
•Definitive: Their take-charge personality and commercial thinking makes them natural leaders. Highly competitive and results-focused, they play to win and want their employees to do the same. They are excellent at setting objectives and raise the bar high.
•Collaborative: A generous coach with excellent listening skills, they are more than willing to "take one for the team" and spend a great deal of time working to develop those around them. They have a deep understanding of team dynamics and are good at fostering co-operation among diverse groups.
•Persuader: As "ideas people," they have creativity to spare and are always willing to help their team brainstorm the next big idea or solution to a problem. They encourage employees to think outside of the usual parameters and can easily adapt to change.
•Diagnostic: They run their department like a well-oiled machine. Organization and careful planning are the hallmarks of their coaching style and employees know what to expect each day. They encourage their team to update their skills and use critical thinking to create solid business strategies; this comes from their natural problem-solving abilities.
Team leaders can improve their coaching success several ways, said Robert Half:
•Understand coaching is part of your responsibilities as a senior professional and make time within your busy working day to communicate with your team.
•Find out which coaching type you are and map your attributes onto the personalities of your team: Who will respond best to which of your qualities?
•Accept that you may need to amend some of your behaviours to meet individual needs.
•Recognize that coaching is about 'showing' not just 'telling': It's all about being an effective role model.
•Look for inspiration from the resources available to you: Your boss or HR professional will be happy to help