Funding aims to ensure sustainability, competitiveness of mill
Through a provincial government investment of $4.3 million, employees at Corner Brook Pulp and Paper in Newfoundland and Labrador will receive enhanced training to improve the mill’s competitiveness in the global market.
“Corner Brook Pulp and Paper is one of the most recognizable and long-standing employers on the west coast of the province,” said Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment Darin King. “The provincial government is proud to support the company’s efforts to better align its workforce to meet the ever-changing global marketplace. This project will also ensure long-term sustainability of jobs in the Corner Brook region.”
Due to the severe decline in newsprint consumption globally, the mill had to make adjustments to its operations in recent years. The sustainability of the mill depends on making its two remaining newsprint machines operate at “world class efficiencies,” said Minister of Finance Tom Marshall.
“This funding will ensure that employees at the mill receive training to better align the workforce to provide the output the mill requires to be sustainable and profitable in the future,” he said.
Over a period of three years, about 450 employees across all departments and job categories will undertake a wide range of training that will support the mill’s operations. It will be completed in four blocks and will cover technological knowledge, mechanical skills, information technology training and management skills.
“This project engages, mobilizes and invests in the company’s human resources to enhance its competitiveness in the global market,” said King.