New tool to help B.C. employers promote workplace wellness

Information on healthy eating, physical activity available online, on-site

Employers in British Columbia now have access to new tools to help them promote wellness in the workplace.

The Canadian Cancer Society and the provincial government have developed tools and resources designed to address the different needs of small, medium and large businesses that include free assessment services and advice.

“We know that a healthy workplace has a positive return on investment for business through reduced absenteeism and increased productivity,” said Michael de Jong, B.C.'s health minister. “A healthy workplace also helps businesses position themselves to attract and retain the brightest and the best in a competitive job market.”

Based on an organization’s needs, WellnessFits ( offers online, email, telephone support and on-site consultations. The WellnessFits website offers comprehensive information on healthy eating, physical activity, healthy minds and being tobacco-free in the workplace to help reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.

Almost 36 per cent of adults suffer from one or more chronic conditions and two in five Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetime. Workplace wellness programs reduce sick leave by 28 per cent, employer health-care costs by 26 per cent and compensation and disability costs by 30 per cent, according to the Canadian Cancer Society.

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