Nearly 740,000 more jobs in Quebec by 2014

Three-quarters to replace retirees: Emploi-Québec

Almost 740,000 job openings will occur in Quebec from now until 2014, according to Emploi-Québec. One-quarter of these jobs will be created in response to economic growth (net creation of 240,000 jobs) and three-quarters to replace people retiring (500,000 jobs).

This is excellent news for workers, employers and the Quebec economy, said Julie Boulet, minister of employment and social solidarity.

2010 and 2014, employment will increase on average 1.2 per cent per year. It will slow down to 0.6 per cent per year by 2019 and reach an average of 0.9 per cent for the following 10 years, said Emploi-Québec.

Over the next five years, employment will rise in 27 of 33 industries, with the greatest concentration in the services sector, which will bring in 210,000 new jobs by 2014. This sector currently employs 78 per cent of workers in Quebec and will generate 87 per cent of the jobs created by 2014, said Emploi-Québec.

In the services industry, the sectors that will see the greatest creation of jobs include:

• health care and social services (+39,500)

• professional services, scientific and technical (+35,600)

• retail (+28,300)

• finance, insurance, real estate (+18,000).

More than one-half (56 per cent) of the jobs will be filled by people younger than 25 years old while new immigrants will take up 15 per cent of the positions, said Emploi-Québec. But in 10 years, those under 25 will fall to 54 per cent while new immigrants will rise to 17 per cent.

More information can be found (in French) at

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