Recognized for excellence in HR practices by ECO Canada
Five companies have been named Canada's 2012 Environmental Employers of the Year by Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) Canada.
The awards recognize excellence in human resource practices from employers that operate within the environment industry. The awards showcase innovation in employee engagement that contributes to overall organizational success.
The five winners are:
"We want to celebrate human resource achievements in an industry that continues to expand with high expectations of both companies and employees," said Grant Trump, president of ECO Canada. "The awards provide companies the opportunity to engage their staff and gain vital feedback on HR practices. This contributes greatly to the continued growth and vitality of Canada's environment industry." The honours are based on the results of a company employee satisfaction survey that is administered and analyzed by ECO Canada. A committee of HR professionals from across Canada then evaluates both the organization's HR practices and employee satisfaction results to distinguish the winners.
•EDI Environmental Dynamics
•Langley Environmental Partners Society (LEPS)
•Inside Education
•Transfert Environnement
•SIMS Recycling Solutions