Exam is based on the same specifications as National Knowledge Exam
Ontario’s human resources association has opened registration for its own knowledge exam as part of the CHRP designation.
The Comprehensive Knowledge Exam (CKE) is the name by which HRPA will now refer to its exam, which was developed professionally and is based on all the same criteria as the National Knowledge Exam (NKE).
With HRPA’s recent withdrawal from the Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations (CCHRA), HRPA will need to administer its own knowledge exam, as the NKE is a trademark of CCHRA.
The only difference will be that the CKE will have 25 pre-test questions, as opposed to the 10 pre-test questions in the NKE, said HRPA. An extra 30 minutes will be added to the 3-hour, 30-minute exam time to allow for this. These are not scored, but are randomly inserted to “improve future exam reliability,” according to HRPA.
There will be no changes to exam specifications, so preparation programs such as HRwrx do not require modification. HRPA Chapters that run exam prep will not need to make any changes beyond updating the examination’s name to CKE.
HRPA will be piloting an online version of the CKE in November, which hopefully will make writing the exam more convenient in the future.
CKE facts
• The questions were developed with extensive member volunteer input, they will test the exact same 96 professional capabilities as before and will have the same four-option multiple-choice format;
• the number of scored questions will be the same at 150;
• the proportion of questions from each functional area will be the same, the same scaled scores will be used and it will be held on November 1, 2014 — the same date as the NKE; and
• it will be continue to be scored by an independent third party.