HR association notes

CSTD into Africa; CEBS program now accepts transfer credit for CHRP


CSTD into Africa

Inspired by Stephen Lewis, the United Nations envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa and last year’s recipient of the Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD) president’s award for outstanding lifetime achievement in the field of learning, CSTD intends to send a team of trainers to Africa to help rebuild the human infrastructure which has been ravaged by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Lewis challenged CSTD to do something about the plight of those in Africa suffering in the wake of the pandemic. To send a team of trainers to Africa, the CSTD needs to raise $40,000. To track fundraising progress or get more information on how you can make a donation click here.

CEBS program now accepts transfer credit for CHRP

The Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) program, co-sponsored by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans and Halifax’s Dalhousie University, now awards an exam transfer credit for those who hold the Canadian Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation. One exam credit may also be applied toward the Group Benefits Associate (GBA), Retirement Plans Associate (RPA) and Compensation Management Specialist (CMS) designations. An exam credit is also awarded to those who hold the Certified Compensation Professional (CCP) designation, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designations, as well as to those who have completed the Canadian Securities Course (CSC).

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