HERizon Project unites HR leaders for women’s equality in Canadian workplaces

'Real risk' of regression on progress calls for robust network driving systemic change

HERizon Project unites HR leaders for women’s equality in Canadian workplaces

This article was provided by Women in Communications and Technology.

Real progress toward women’s workplace equity remains frustratingly slow. As per The Prosperity Project’s 2024 ARC Report on Gender Equity and Leadership in Canada, although 2024 saw slight gains at all leadership levels, the mere 1.1% gain in the pipeline to senior management roles “barely made a dent” in the 11.8% decline it experienced the year prior.

It’s apparent: companies in Canada are at significant risk of regressing on the progress made. Plus, with “anti-woke” activists like Robby Starbuck pushing global companies to reverse commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion, it’s time to recognize that we must not only maintain our momentum but amplify it.

Taking our foot off the gas could mean losing the fragile traction we’ve gained.

The HERizon Project, a new program from Women in Communications and Technology (WCT), emerges as a beacon of hope, providing a complimentary Community of Practice for HR and DEI leaders dedicated to advancing women’s equity in the workplace.

The importance of cross-company and cross-industry collaboration

To foster real change in women's workplace equity, breaking down silos and encouraging cross-company and cross-industry collaboration is crucial. This collective action enables organizations to pool resources, share knowledge, and tackle common challenges together. When diverse companies unite, they create a robust network capable of driving systemic change.

Collaboration allows us to learn from each other’s successes and failures, developing effective strategies tailored to different organizational cultures. For instance, a tech company struggling with recruiting female engineers can gain insights from a finance firm excelling in retention practices. By joining forces, these organizations can exchange innovative solutions that benefit everyone involved.

At a time when some popular brands and global companies are making public statements about cutting back on DEI spend or reprioritizing initiatives, now is the time for pool resources, sharing knowledge, and taking collective action! The HERizon Project exemplifies this collaborative spirit, bringing together diverse voices and experiences. The collective power derived from this community can spark transformative initiatives, leading to meaningful advancements in women's workplace equity across sectors. Working together helps us push beyond individual limitations, paving the way for a more equitable future.

Sharing unique perspectives for effective problem solving

Every organization is at a different stage in its journey toward gender equity, and each has valuable experiences to share. The HERizon Project welcomes companies and change makers at all stages. The non-competitive and non-judgmental forum allows for open dialogue within the Community of Practice and creates a fertile ground for effective problem-solving. The diverse perspectives from companies at various stages of their DEI efforts lead to more innovative and adaptable solutions.

Additionally, sharing challenges and successes fosters a sense of solidarity and mutual support, reinforcing that no organization is alone in this endeavour.

By engaging in these collaborative discussions, we can develop strategies that are both creative and practical, tailored to different organizational contexts. This collective wisdom ensures that efforts to advance women's workplace equity are more robust and impactful.

Leveraging communities of practice for systemic change

Communities of Practice like the HERizon Project offer a powerful framework for driving systemic change in women's workplace equity. By uniting HR and DEI leaders across various industries, these communities foster an environment where shared experiences and collective wisdom drive meaningful action. This collaborative model encourages organizations to move beyond isolated efforts, promoting a holistic approach to gender equity that leverages the strengths of diverse participants.

Through regular interactions and open dialogues, members can exchange insights, refine strategies, and stay informed about the latest trends and challenges in women’s workplace equity. This not only accelerates individual organizational progress but also builds a stronger, unified front against systemic inequities.

Additionally, the sense of accountability within these communities is invaluable. When leaders commit to collective goals, they are more likely to remain engaged and focused on long-term outcomes. The HERizon Project, with its extensive network and access to leading subject-matter experts, exemplifies how pooling resources and knowledge can lead to innovative solutions that are both effective and sustainable.

In essence, leveraging Communities of Practice ensures that our efforts to advance women's workplace equity are comprehensive, resilient, and poised to create lasting impact.

Women in Communications and Technology's legacy of success

For over three decades, Women in Communications and Technology (WCT) has been a pioneering force in promoting women’s advancement within the workplace. With an extensive network of professionals and change makers from coast to coast, WCT facilitates meaningful connections and drives significant organizational change. Our legacy is built on creating opportunities for women in digitally driven workplaces, demonstrating that sustained effort and strategic partnerships yield tangible results.

WCT’s initiatives have consistently focused on advancing women through personal growth, professional development, and network building. These efforts have not only supported individual career growth but have also helped shape more inclusive organizational cultures. The success stories emerging from WCT’s network highlight the transformative impact of collective action and shared knowledge.

Organizations that collaborate with WCT benefit from their deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities women face in the workplace. This partnership enables companies to implement effective, evidence-based initiatives that drive systemic change, fostering a more equitable and inclusive work environment for all.

HERizon Project is the next phase of WCT’s commitment to driving systemic change for women in the workplace and the organizations that employ them.

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