Premier makes pre-election promise to help families achieve work-life balance
The Quebec government has put the idea of a four-day workweek for parents on the table in pre-election campaigning.
The plan would require companies to offer parents unpaid workdays to allow them to spend time with their children.
Premier Bernard Landry, leader of the Parti Québécois, said it would cost businesses $100 million a year, but those costs would be more than offset by proposed corporate tax deductions.
“We will turn our attention toward young parents who have children and those who want children,” said Landry.
The plan would require companies to offer parents unpaid workdays to allow them to spend time with their children.
Premier Bernard Landry, leader of the Parti Québécois, said it would cost businesses $100 million a year, but those costs would be more than offset by proposed corporate tax deductions.
“We will turn our attention toward young parents who have children and those who want children,” said Landry.