Women make about $31,000 a year less than men and face a glass ceiling when trying to break into the upper echelons of law.
In the U.S., 30 per cent of lawyers and most law students are women – yet they lag behind men in both pay and status, according to a study released by the American Bar Association.
Women make about $31,000 a year less than male lawyers. And a glass ceiling still prevents women from achieving the upper ranks in law.
In the U.S., women account for:
•5 per cent of managing partners or large law firms;
•10 per cent of law school deans and corporate counsels; and
•15 per cent of federal judges.
Stereotypes about women, inadequate support networks and hours and workplace structures that do not easily accommodate family life contribute to the discrepancy.
Women make about $31,000 a year less than male lawyers. And a glass ceiling still prevents women from achieving the upper ranks in law.
In the U.S., women account for:
•5 per cent of managing partners or large law firms;
•10 per cent of law school deans and corporate counsels; and
•15 per cent of federal judges.
Stereotypes about women, inadequate support networks and hours and workplace structures that do not easily accommodate family life contribute to the discrepancy.