Partnering with CME to develop occupational standards
The federal government has announced a number of initiatives to support the manufacturing industry in Canada.
It is partnering with the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) to help internationally trained engineers, technicians and technologists obtain jobs in their fields faster by connecting with Canadian employers facing labour shortages in manufacturing. The CME will also work with internationally trained workers to find alternate careers that match their skills set.
The government is also providing funding to the CME to develop occupational standards for the manufacturing sector. This will help colleges and other educators develop curriculum to ensure students graduating have the in-demand skills the manufacturing sector is looking for, today and in the future.
Through funding from the federal government, the CME will also create a regional network for employers, colleges and trainers to share labour market information to help address common challenges in the manufacturing sector.
And the government and the CME are creating a new Manufacturing Skills Lab to provide employers, policymakers and academics with a forum to discuss solutions to the skills challenge in the manufacturing sector.
"This is a landmark initiative for Canadian manufacturing companies that employ almost two million Canadians from coast to coast. Nearly 50 per cent of manufacturers face labour shortages, which is having a significant impact on economic output and undermining long-term performance,” said Jayson Myers, president and CEO of CME. “Competitiveness is all about people — skilled people — and the CME's Manufacturing Skills Centre will ensure that our Canadian companies can match the right skills for their needs."