47 per cent of workers have dated a colleague, 27 per cent have a current crush
With Valentine's Day around the corner, many workers might find their special someone in the cubicle across the way.
Nearly one-half (47 per cent) of employees who responded to a poll on Monster.com say they have dated someone at work and 27 per cent have a secret crush on a colleague.
This isn't surprising as people spend most of their waking hours in the workplace and co-workers have shared experiences, goals and inside jokes.
"A lot of these relationships do work, and it's actually a good way to meet someone - it's just that the consequences of a poor choice are so big," said Tina Tessina, the author of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting about the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage.
While workplace romances are inevitable, they can be regrettable. Among those who had dated someone at work, 55 per cent said workplace dating was a bad idea.
Interestingly, a larger proportion of people who had not dated someone at work thought doing so was a bad idea (70 per cent).
Survey results:
Have you ever dated anyone in your workplace?
• Yes, and I don't see anything wrong with it - 21%
• Yes, but I think it's a bad idea - 26%
• No, but I don't see anything wrong with it - 16%
• No, and I think it's a bad idea - 37%
Has a workplace romance or flirtation ever ended up hurting your career?
• A lot: It caused long-term damage - 17%
• A little: It caused some short-term problems - 15%
• Not at all: Everything turned out fine - 21%
• I've never had a workplace romance or flirtation - 47%
At your current or most recent workplace, is there someone you have a secret crush on?
• Yes (and I'll never tell) - 19%
• Yes (and I hope it isn't a secret for long) - 8%
• No (and there's just no one "crushable" there) - 28%
• No (and I am strictly business at work) - 45%