Click on rewards: Recognition goes online

North Americans have flocked to the Internet in staggering numbers. Whether it is for gathering information or for shopping online, people are realizing the benefits and convenience this new medium can provide. Surfing is easy, information is readily available and access to personal indulgences is 24/7.

Growing in parallel to the Internet is the development of company-specific intranet sites used to inform employees and gather information from them in a wide variety of areas. These sites exist in tandem with an organization’s Web site and offer employees an internal vehicle they can use to communicate, receive valuable company information and self manage many of the programs provided by the human resources department. These programs include dental and medical benefits, pension plans, RRSP programs, stock- and profit-sharing programs and government savings bonds programs.

For companies of all sizes, the latest addition to the growing list of online, self-managed employee programs is employee recognition programs.

HR departments, not unlike the corporate market in general, are faced with doing more with less and with the dilemma of trying to provide a high level of internal employee customer service while at the same time reducing associated program administrative costs. Employee self-service can free HR personnel to concentrate on their core competencies while leaving the administrative tasks to chosen HR program suppliers.

However building a successful online recognition program is not as easy as merely transferring a current paper-based catalogue program to an intranet or Internet site nor is it restricted to technically savvy companies with huge IT budgets and personnel. As with any successful recognition program, companies that choose to go this route need to assess a number of determining factors, including:

•employee Web access (at home or at work);
•employee demographics;
•award choices;
•award presentations;
•Web site development costs; and
•supplier provided program administration.

A common deterrent to developing an online recognition program strategy is the concern that all employees do not have readily available access to the Internet or the company’s intranet site. This is of course true with respect to companies that have a very diverse workforce made up of both administrative and non-administrative employees. However, those who feel that this is a dilemma may have overlooked the growth of the Internet and the fact that a large majority of employees will have at-home access.

Companies can also set up a computer station within the HR department for these employees or use employee information kiosks that provide access to the company intranet.

One way to find out just how connected employees are is to conduct a very basic survey of employee access capabilities. You may find your employees are much more technically advanced than you first imagined.

Employee demographics play a major role in determining both the look and feel of a program, as well as the award choices selected for inclusion within the program. It is important to look at providing a diverse range of recognition award products that will appeal to the majority of your workforce.

Lifestyle items have gained in popularity but it is important as well to provide a selection of symbolic award items that will provide long lasting heirloom value.

Although a wider range of products can be offered in an online format, it is important to ensure that the program does not become an employee shopping network offering a multitude of common retail-driven products. Remember the program is designed to recognize special employee achievement and the products offered should reflect quality and provide a long-lasting recognition experience.

As with traditional off-line programs it is very important to develop both an employee award notification, as well as an award presentation strategy.

With respect to online employee award notification through e-mail, develop something that will provide an opportunity to recognize the employee’s achievement. The communication piece will be used to provide the employee with the program co-ordinates (program URL) and employee unique identifier (personal password) for ordering an award.

There are a number of ways to design this piece to be special. Using an online greeting card or employee award certificate provides the necessary program details while at the same time giving the employee an online recognition element that is more personable and conveys a heart-felt message about how an accomplishment plays a significant role in the success of the organization.

Recognition experts agree that the award presentation is as important if not more important than the award itself. Companies that do not have a structured award presentation process are not optimizing the recognition experience. A program may have gone online but it is important to make sure that those individuals involved in award presentations keep the personal touch needed to make the program memorable.

Use the HR intranet site or recognition program site to provide online award presentation guidelines and training. The key is to remember the basics; mention the importance of the achievement, present the award in an appropriate setting and include the employee’s peers, keep the presentation simple and to the point and allow the recipient to say a few words. Employees will remember this positive experience and will in turn reward their companies with renewed loyalty.

Building an online recognition program and dedicated program Web site can be an expensive proposition. It is imperative that companies determine how big of a budget they will need for the design and programming of the new site. But given the flexibility and increased efficiency that online programs provide, these costs are well worth the investment.

The investment associated with a printed brochure is eliminated and these budgeted dollars can be used to develop an electronic brochure. The online brochure is a virtual document and allows the flexibility to change levels, awards, policies and program details without expensive reprinting costs.

Companies that do not have a budget for a customized program Web site can consider recognition system providers that offer turnkey online award solutions that allow the construction of a Web-based recognition program without incurring the high costs of site development and program administration.

An online recognition service allows program co-ordinators to set up their own private label service award program in minutes. Each Web site is fully customizable and features the client’s logo, colours, photos and messages. The Web site and awards can be modified at anytime. A PDF version of the awards program can be printed off for employees who do not have e-mail access. Administration is also managed through the online program.

The use of online delivered HR programs will continue to grow. They are more convenient, offer greater efficiency, operate 24/7 and have the potential to lower HR’s operating costs. The Web’s rapid growth for self-serve HR programs will continue and online recognition programs are the next logical step.

John Mills is vice-president of business development at Rideau Incorporated. He can be contacted at 1-800-363-6464, ext. 375, [email protected] or visit

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