Canadians happy with jobs but not pay: Survey

Visible minorities less likely to see workplaces as inclusive, be satisfied with pay

In spite of having just come through a tough economic year, the majority of Canadians are generally happy with their jobs and like their co-workers but many are unhappy with their pay, according to a new survey by the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC).

The survey of 1,200 Canadians found 81 per cent are happy and satisfied with their jobs, 88 per cent like the people they work with and 62 per cent have not intentions of looking for a new job.

However, 39 per cent of respondents feel they aren't sufficiently compensated for their hard work.

"As Canadians, we value our connection to our work and to each other. The majority of working Canadians are satisfied with their jobs, like their colleagues and believe their workplace is inclusive. Our findings suggest that, while important, money isn't always the determining factor in job satisfaction," said Nancy Schaefer, CERIC board president and president of Youth Employment Services (YES).

Overall, the Canadian workplace is seen as inclusive and free from discrimination, however, only 28 per cent of visible minorities describe their workplace as very inclusive compared to 41 per cent of non-visible minority workers.

And visible minority workers are more likely to be unhappy with their compensation, with just 47 per cent agreeing they receive the compensation they deserve for their work compared to 59 per cent of non-visible minorities.

When looking for a job, respondents are most likely to turn to on-line services and company websites for job opportunities (48 per cent). Social media isn't a popular tool for jobseekers, with just 12 per cent using social networking sites like Facebook and nine per cent using professional networking sites like LinkedIn to find job openings.

As for career advice, respondents are most likely to turn to their colleagues and co-workers (68 per cent) as well as friends and neighbours (65 per cent), followed by:

•Newspapers - 62 per cent

•Parents - 61 per cent

•Internet - 58 per cent

•Mentors - 58 per cent

•Government and community employment centres - 53 per cent

•Community-based employment agencies - 43 per cent

•Teachers or professors - 40 per cent

•Career specialists or counsellors - 37 per cent

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