Web Sight: Tips for OH&S compliance

In this issue I have tried to provide a diverse listing of health and safety Web sites. Some focus on the legal aspects of health and safety such as due diligence and legal case studies while others provide practical resources such as examples of an Occupational Health and Safety program.

To find detailed information about health and safety for your jurisdiction trying visiting a search engine such as www.metacrawler.com and conduct a search for whatever agency or act you’re interested in — for example “Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.”

Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLP
In addition to offering legal counsel in the areas of employment law across the country, Mathews, Dinsdale & Clarke have provided some good resources online for employers. Review case studies and even take a test online to see how well you know your stuff.

McMaster University Faculty of Engineering
For those individuals that have been handed the task of creating or updating the organization’s health and safety program I would suggest you start with this site. While it is intended for the staff within the Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University, it provides an excellent resource for people to read a first-rate health and safety policy.

Emond Harnden
More legal case studies in health and safety are available from this law firm.
Click on “Publications” from the menu on the left of the page for further links to case studies including a variety of other employment law related cases.

University of Guelph
Another university Web site. But the University of Guelph has put together a really great site for reference material on the subject of due diligence.
The page is quite large (and may take a while to download) but it is worth it and should help in the development of your own H&S guide.

The first half of the page reviews applicable legislation on due diligence while the second half provides a summary of related cases that have come before a variety of provincial and federal courts. A very good site for case studies.

Robert Horgan is an HR professional and freelance writer. He can be contacted through his Web site at www.robhorgan.com. His column appears regularly in CloseUp.

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