Ontario inspectors looking at mobile equipment hazards in mining operations
Ontario’s workplace inspectors are heading underground in June.
The province has announced it is focusing on mobile equipment hazards in mines and mining operations during a month-long safety blitz.
They will ensure mobile equipment such as trucks, tractors, scoop trams and drilling equipment are inspected and maintained in good condition, as well as tested for emissions.
Ministry inspectors will also ensure that power sources to mobile equipment are disconnected and prevented from being reactivated while work is being done on the equipment, the province said.
By the numbers
•26 of 74 fires in underground mines in 2008 were caused by mobile equipment hazards
•31 incidents in the past decade involved collisions, near collisions or damaged caused by mobile equipment hazards (and 28 of those incidents occurred underground)
•20 of Ontario’s 430 full-time occupational health and safety inspectors are dedicated to mining.