Resource corner: A directory of online OHS tools and information

Preventing violence and sprain and strain injury

Preventing violence in the workplace

The Guide to Violence Prevention in the Work Place is designed by the Government of Canada to assist employers in preventing workplace violence. It outlines employer requirements, prescribes steps for implementing a violence-free workplace including employee education and training and provides helpful worksheets. This 36-page PDF refers to sections in part 20 of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and breaks them down  with clear explanations and examples of how to comply.

Sprains and strains game

Nova Scotia has launched an online game that allows visitors to choose the proper solution for an activity or posture that could lead to a musculoskeletal injury (MSI). Simply drag and drop the various options and learn about why or why not they would be the right choice. The game showcases a variety of unsafe work conditions and offers solutions such as a height-adjustable table and a deflector bar for a production line. The game is accompanied by a 17-page brochure with more information about preventing MSIs in the workplace.

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