426,000 compliance orders issued since 2008
Ontario is working to improve the safety of workers at road work sites and construction sites with a targeted, month-long blitz in June.
Inspectors from the Ministry of Labour will visit construction sites across Ontario to ensure proper traffic control measures are used when vehicles and large pieces of mobile equipment, such as asphalt pavers, backhoe loaders and cranes, are on site.
The inspectors will check that:
•traffic protection plans are kept on-site and workers know how to carry out those plans
•traffic control devices such as signs, cones and barricades are in good condition and correctly placed
•traffic control workers are properly trained and do not perform any other work when directing traffic
•high-visibility clothing is worn by all workers who may be endangered by vehicle traffic.
Protecting construction workers on the job is part of the government's continued commitment to preventing workplace injuries through its Safe at Work Ontario strategy, while creating jobs.
Between 2009 and 2011, four workers died and 15 workers were seriously injured while trying to control traffic at road work projects, said the government.
Since 2008, ministry inspectors have conducted more than 266,000 field visits, 36 inspection blitzes and issued more than 426,000 compliance orders.