Everyone must take immediate action to avoid further injuries, illnesses and deaths: Minister
After seven workplace deaths in just over a month in Nova Scotia, the province needs a change of mindset, according to Minister of Labour and Advanced Education Marilyn More.
"This is a tragic start to 2012 and all of us must take immediate action to avoid further injuries, illnesses and deaths in our workplaces," she said. "Whether one works on a hectic shop floor or a seemingly safe office, we need to change our 'I've done this a million times so it must be safe' mindset."
Between 2007 and 2011, an average of 25 workers died on the job.
To date, two truckers died in separate motor vehicle accidents, two fishermen drowned while checking on lobster crates at low tide, a farm worker was killed by a falling tree and a sandblaster was crushed underneath equipment he was cleaning. All of these incidents remain under investigation.
A shipyard worker also had a fatal heart attack.
In recent years, almost half of all workplace deaths were caused by chronic illnesses, such as heart or lung disease. So far, only one workplace death resulted from a chronic illness in the province this year.
"Employers and employees need to remain vigilant to the risks facing them at work," said Jim LeBlanc, executive director, occupational health and safety division. "In so many investigations, we find that most injuries could have been avoided if more consideration had been given to the task and how it was to be done."