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New Ontario OHS portal for registered health-care workplaces • Farm safety program for youth available online • WorkSafeBC launches apprenticeship safety portal • New Manitoba employers can register for WCB online • Racking and storage focus of Ontario safety inspection blitz

New Ontario OHS portal for registered health-care workplaces

Ontario’s Ministry of Labour has launched a health and safety resources portal for registered health-care workers. Employees in registered workplaces including hospitals and supported group living residences can find publications, resources and regulations on the new site. There are event postings, links to other relevant health and safety websites and court bulletins, where convictions for violations of labour legislation are listed. Health-care professionals can download relevant safety posters and watch videos on safety topics including infection prevention and control. There is also a fall hazards tool where professionals can spot 11 hazards in a picture. In the past few years, Ontario has seen a rise in the number of registered health-care workplaces and workers, according to the ministry. To access the portal visit

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