Manitoba to launch Safe Farms Check in December
In December 2010, Safe Work Manitoba will be rolling out a new Safe Farms Check program.
This program will be available to all Manitoba farmers who are interested in developing a system to address occupational safety and health on their farms. After developing a program, farmers will be eligible to receive incentives from various local service providers and safety suppliers.
The program consists of a five-step process:
•Register for the program
•Receive training on the program, including the requirements to complete it
•Develop a safety and health program specific to the farming operation
•Complete a self-assessment of the program once it's complete, then have someone from Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) assess the program
•Take the completed program documents to the incentive providers to receive the incentives
Throughout the program, farmers will write a policy outlining commitment to health and safety; identify and control hazards; establish and communicate responsibilities; and evaluate and revise the program as needed.