Users can search, sort 155,000 employers by LTC, DIR, location
The government of Alberta has improved its employer records website, making it easier for Albertans to find safety information.
First launched in 2010, the site now allows users to search and sort 155,000 employers by their lost-time claims, disabling injury rates and location. Along with the inclusion of 2012 data — the latest available — earlier data will also be sortable, back to 2008.
“Albertans can use this information to make decisions on where they choose to work, a reminder to all employers that it is in their best interest to keep workers healthy and safe,” said Thomas Lukaszuk, minister of jobs, skills, training and labour
Employer records now offer data on all Alberta companies with workers’ compensation board accounts, including:
•number of lost-time claims (LTC)
•number of workers
•disabling injury rate (DIR)
•number of fatalities
•whether the employer holds a Certificate of Recognition
•industry and province-wide LTC and DIR for comparison.
2013 data will be added to the employer records website this fall, said the government.