Employers must sign up for online WCB access
Employers covered by Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) will have to sign up for online reporting to receive their 2012 employer premium rate statements.
The 2012 employer premium rate statement will no longer be mailed. They will be available electronically in mid-December 2011.
Employers can sign-up for loss control reporting under myWCB by Nov. 30 to access their online 2012 rate statement.
Online services allow employers to monitor and review claim and claim costs, identify possible safety issues by looking at claim histories and understand what rates could be if their performance improved.
Employers can update and view information specific to their accounts and report an injury online. They can also pay premiums online.
Once employees at companies are signed up they will receive access to specific services based on their roles at the organization they work for. The myWCB sign up wizard will employees identify their roles and explain associated services.
The first person from a company granted access to a WCB account number will also become its online administrator and will manage user access to online services for their organization.