Sixteen per cent of employers plan to increase staffing levels
Sixteen per cent of Canadian employers plan to increase staffing levels in the fourth quarter of 2018, while six per cent anticipate cutbacks, according to a ManpowerGroup survey.
More than three-quarters (77 per cent) expect current staffing levels to remain unchanged.
"With the unemployment rate hovering near 40-year lows, competition for talent is heating up across the country," said Darlene Minatel, country manager for ManpowerGroup Canada.
"Skilled trades and bilingual candidates are especially in demand, causing upward pressure on wages and an increase in permanent full-time hiring as the need to improve retention becomes more urgent."
Employers in Quebec expect the most favourable hiring climate for the coming quarter, reporting a net employment outlook of 18 per cent.
Employers in Ontario and Western Canada anticipate an upbeat hiring pace, with employers reporting outlooks of 13 and 12 per cent, respectively.
Jobseekers in Atlantic Canada should plan for a conservative hiring climate, with employers reporting an outlook of nine per cent.
Sector variations
Public administration: Employers in this sector report a “net employment outlook” of 19 per cent for the fourth quarter of 2018, indicating an upbeat hiring pace, said Manpower. This is a three percentage point increase from the forecast reported for the previous quarter, and an increase of two percentage points compared to the same time last year.
Manufacturing – durables: The net employment outlook is 18 per cent this quarter, a five percentage point increase from the outlook reported last quarter and in the same quarter last year.
Transportation and public utilities: Employers in the transportation and public utilities sector anticipate positive hiring opportunities, reporting a net employment outlook of 15 per cent for the fourth quarter. This is a five percentage point decrease from the forecast reported for the previous quarter, and an increase of five percentage points compared to the same time last year.
Services: Employment prospects in the services sector remain steady for the fourth quarter, found Manpower, with a net employment outlook of 14 per cent. This is a one percentage point increase compared to the previous quarter and an increase of five per cent over the outlook reported during the same time last year.
Construction: Jobseekers in the construction sector should expect to see a steady hiring pace for the upcoming quarter with a net employment outlook of 14 per cent. This is a decrease of two percentage points from the outlook reported in the previous quarter and a five percentage point increase compared to the same time last year.
Manufacturing – non-durables: Employers report a net employment outlook of 12 per cent, an increase of four percentage points from last quarter and an eight percentage point increase over the outlook reported during the same time last year.
Mining: Employers in the mining sector forecast a favourable hiring climate with a net employment outlook of 12 per cent for the fourth quarter of 2018, said Manpower. This represents a one percentage point increase from last quarter and an increase of three percentage points from the Outlook reported during the same time last year.
Finance, insurance and real estate: Employers anticipate a steady hiring climate for the fourth quarter, reporting a net employment outlook of 12 per cent. Hiring prospects are three percentage points stronger in comparison with the third quarter, while one percentage point weaker when compared with the same period one year ago.
Education: Employers in the education sector expect a respectable increase in staffing levels for the upcoming quarter reporting an employment outlook of 11 per cent. This is an increase of two percentage points from last quarter and a substantial 11 percentage point increase from the outlook reported during the same quarter last year, said Manpower
Wholesale and retail trade: Employers anticipate the weakest labour market in two years, reporting a net employment outlook of seven per cent. This reflects a three-percentage point decrease compared to the previous quarter's forecast, and a decrease of four percentage points from the same time last year.