Job protection provisions, leaves of absence
Parents who need to take time from work to care for a critically ill child or deal with the trauma of a murdered or missing child will be protected from job loss with the passing of amendments to Yukon’s Employment Standards Act.
The amendments provide job protection provisions and enable parents to take leaves of absence without pay to access new federal benefit programs created for these circumstances.
“These amendments will help provide some relief for parents caring for a critically ill child, or taking time from work to focus on healing from the loss of a child, without concerns about job security,” said Community Services Minister Elaine Taylor. “They will ensure that parents who need access to these new federal financial benefit programs are also supported under Yukon legislation.”
The federal Employment Insurance Act will allow up to 35 weeks of financial benefits for parents who are away from work to care for a critically ill child. The benefits are expected to take effect this summer, once Canada’s Bill C-44 is proclaimed, amending the Employment Insurance Act.
The federal Department of Social Development Act provides up to 35 weeks of financial benefits, effective last January, for an employed parent who takes time off due to the circumstances of a missing child or a child who has died as the result of a crime.
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