More people taking shorter vacations: Survey
About two-thirds (63 per cent) of members of CAA-Quebec intend to take holidays this summer, down from 70 per cent in 2011 and 80 per cent in 2010. And when the survey was conducted in mid-May, 20 per cent still did not know whether they would be going away this summer.
In addition, of those respondents who will be going on holiday, 23 per cent will only take a few days off, compared to 15 per cent last year.
The popularity of the traditional two-week holiday has dropped from 34 per cent last year to 24 per cent this year, found CAA-Quebec. Sixteen per cent of respondents will be holidaying for three weeks, while 12 per cent will be away for four weeks or longer.
"Respondents are still cautious and are holding back somewhat on their summer holiday plans," said Sophie Gagnon, CAA-Quebec's assistant vice-president of public and government relations. "Uncertainty, hesitation and plans to vacation in their respective regions are the key trends observed."
More than one-half (55 per cent) of the respondents who said they will be vacationing this summer indicated they will stay in Quebec. Other Canadian provinces (15 per cent), the east coast of the United States (10 per cent) and Florida (three per cent) also remain popular destinations.
Like last year, almost three-quarters (70 per cent) of vacationers plan to spend less than $2,000 on their holidays. The budget will be lower for 20 per cent of respondents, unchanged for 53 per cent and higher for 23 per cent — these figures are virtually the same as those for the past two years, said CAA-Quebec.