Union will wait to hear from company before resuming negotiations
More than 300 aircraft repair and component builders are on strike in Winnipeg. The Bristol Aerospace employees, who were recently awarded work on Canada's new F-35 fighter jets, walked off the job on Friday, April 1 after weeks of negotiations failed to find a settlement.
The key issues in negotiations are the company’s proposals to cut benefits for retirees and the removal a built-in cost-of-living increase from the contract, according to the Canadian Auto Workers, Local 3005.
The union says that they are waiting for Bristol to call them when they are ready to resume negotiations
In a press release issued Friday, Bristol Aerospace says the company “remains committed and receptive to continuing meaningful negotiations. Until an agreement is reached, the company will do its utmost to respond to the requirements of our customers and the needs of our employees."
The workers’ contract expired on Thursday, March 31.