University of Toronto

Toronto (4,300 staff-appointed, non-academic employees) and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers Intl. Union (USW)

Renewal agreement: Effective July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2020. Signed on Sept. 3, 2017.
Wage adjustments: 
Effective July 1, 2017: 1.8%
Effective July 1, 2018: 2%
Effective July 1, 2019: 2%
Paid holidays: 12 days. 
Vacations with pay: 1.25 days per month to start, 1.33 days per month after 61 months, 1.417 days per month after 73 months, 1.5 days per month after 85 months, 1.583 days per month after 97 months, 1.667 days per month after 109 months, 1.75 days per month after 133 months, 1.833 days per month after 157 months, 2.083 days per month after 169 months. 
Overtime: Time and one-half for hours worked beyond 36¼ per week. Hours may be banked, maximum 150 hours. 
Meal allowance: $15 for employees who work 2 or more overtime hours. 
Dental: Employer pays 80% of premiums.
Vision: Employer pays 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premiums. 
Sick leave: 15 weeks.
LTD: Employer pays 80% of premiums, employee pays 20% of premiums. 
Life insurance: Employer pays 100% of premiums
Pension: University of Toronto Pension Plan or University of Toronto Pension Plan for OISE/UT Employees.
Bereavement leave: 5 days for death of spouse, same-sex partner, children, stepchildren, grandchildren, parents, parents-in-law, sibling, stepbrother, stepsister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents, death of person whose relationship is not defined above, impact of which is comparable to that of immediate family (such as close friend).
Seniority – recall rights: 24 months for employees with 5 or more years of service; 18 months for other employees.
Call-in pay: Minimum of 4 hours’ pay at applicable overtime rate or pay for all hours worked, whichever is greater (2 hours’ pay for employees who work out of homes or outside of university campuses).
Probationary period: 6 months. 
Discipline: Sunset clause is 24 months; 12 for coaching letters.
Uniforms/clothing: Employer will provide uniforms to employees who are required to wear uniforms (lab coats, dental/nursing uniforms, including shoes). $350 per academic year for clinical employees at dentistry faculty.
Sample rates of annual pay (current, after 4% increase):

Hire rate: $34,138 rising 2 steps to $35,517 
Step 1: $35,504 rising 2 steps to $36,938 
Step 2: $36,924 rising 2 steps to $38,415 
Step 3: $38,402 rising 2 steps to $39,953 
Step 4: $39,552 rising 2 steps to $41,150 
Step 5: $40,741 rising 2 steps to $42,387 

Hire rate: $36,249 rising 2 steps to $37,713 
Step 1: $37,700 rising 2 steps to $39,223 
Step 2: $39,206 rising 2 steps to $40,790 
Step 3: $40,776 rising 2 steps to $42,424 
Step 4: $41,999 rising 2 steps to $43,696 
Step 5: $43,260 rising 2 steps to $45,008 

Hire rate: $38,492 rising 2 steps to $40,047 
Step 1: $40,031 rising 2 steps to $41,649 
Step 2: $41,630 rising 2 steps to $43,312 
Step 3: $43,296 rising 2 steps to $45,045 
Step 4: $44,596 rising 2 steps to $46,398 
Step 5: $45,934 rising 2 steps to $47,790 

Hire rate: $40,871 rising 2 steps to $42,522 
Step 1: $42,508 rising 2 steps to $44,225 
Step 2: $44,207 rising 2 steps to $45,993 
Step 3: $45,975 rising 2 steps to $47,833 
Step 4: $47,354 rising 2 steps to $49,267 
Step 5: $48,774 rising 2 steps to $50,744 

Hire rate: $43,399 rising 2 steps to $45,152 
Step 1: $45,135 rising 2 steps to $46,959 
Step 2: $46,939 rising 2 steps to $48,836 
Step 3: $48,818 rising 2 steps to $50,790 
Step 4: $50,282 rising 2 steps to $52,314 
Step 5: $51,790 rising 2 steps to $53,883
Hire rate: $79,076 rising 2 steps to $82,271 
Step 1: $82,241 rising 2 steps to $85,564 
Step 2: $85,529 rising 2 steps to $88,985 
Step 3: $88,951 rising 2 steps to $92,545
Step 4: $91,619 rising 2 steps to $95,320
Step 5: $94,367 rising 2 steps to $98,179 
Hire rate: $83,966 rising 2 steps to $87,358 
Step 1: $87,325 rising 2 steps to $90,853 
Step 2: $90,818 rising 2 steps to $94,487 
Step 3: $94,451 rising 2 steps to $98,267 
Step 4: $97,284 rising 2 steps to $98,267 
Step 5: $100,204 rising 2 steps to $101,215 
Hire rate: $89,160 rising 2 steps to $92,762 
Step 1: $92,726 rising 2 steps to $96,473 
Step 2: $96,435 rising 2 steps to $100,331 
Step 3: $100,292 rising 2 steps to $104,344 
Step 4: $103,301 rising 2 steps to $107,474
Step 5: $106,400 rising 2 steps to $110,699
Hire rate: $94,672 rising 2 steps to $98,496 
Step 1: $98,459 rising 2 steps to $102,437 
Step 2: $102,396 rising 2 steps to $106,533 
Step 3: $106,494 rising 2 steps to $110,796 
Step 4: $109,688 rising 2 steps to $114,120 
Step 5: $112,979 rising 2 steps to $117,544
Hire rate: $100,527 rising 2 steps to $104,589 
Step 1: $104,548 rising 2 steps to $108,772 
Step 2: $108,729 rising 2 steps to $113,122 
Step 3: $113,078 rising 2 steps to $117,647 
Step 4: $116,471 rising 2 steps to $121,176 
Step 5: $119,966 rising 2 steps to $124,812
Hire rate: $106,744 rising 2 steps to $111,057 
Step 1: $111,012 rising 2 steps to $115,497 
Step 2: $115,453 rising 2 steps to $120,117 
Step 3: $120,072 rising 2 steps to $124,922 
Step 4: $123,673 rising 2 steps to $128,669 
Step 5: $127,382 rising 2 steps to $132,529
Editor’s notes: Office space: Employer will pay $2,500 per month to union toward rental of office space. Standby pay: Employee will receive 2 hours of regular straight-time pay for each evening are on standby during week; 3 hours of regular straight-time pay for each unit on weekend. Late shifts: Employees authorized to work overtime beyond 9 p.m. will be provided with taxi-chit or reimbursed for campus parking. Humanity fund: Employer will contribute $0.02 per hour to USW humanity fund. 

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