Wages hiked by six per cent over life of contract: Unifor

Workers at Trench Electric in Scarborough, Ont. ratified a three-year collective agreement with their employer on Sept. 25.
“We wanted to see improvements across the board for our members and that’s exactly what we got,” says Anand Boodhai, Unifor, Local 303 president. “The results clearly show the strength our union has when it comes to bargaining.”
The new contract was ratified by 92 per cent and it replaces the previous one which had expired in March 2019 and it brings a round of difficult negotiations to a close, says the union.
The new contract includes gains in virtually all areas of the employee’s collective agreement. They include wage increases of six per cent over the term of the contract as well as improvements to paramedical, vision and dental-care benefits, shift premiums and funds for safety boots and uniforms, says Unifor.
Workers at Trench Electric manufacture electrical products for use in power utilities, engineering, procurement and construction companies and high energy usage industries.