Requirement to use employee vehicles troubling: Union
About 100 workers at Community Living Campbellford/Brighton (CLCB) in Campbellford, Ont., went on strike at midnight March 22.
Members of Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), Local 316 rejected the employer’s final offer at the bargaining table, which was “a clear consensus that this deal wasn’t addressing our main concerns,” said Leslie Coles, vice-president OPSEU Local 316.
An issue that led members to reject the offer is the employer’s demand that staff use their personal vehicles as a condition of their employment, which raised significant concerns about liability and health and safety. Another issue was the “sub-standard wage package” the employer offered, according to the union.
OPSEU members at CLCB provide support for adults with intellectual disabilities in Campbellford, Brighton and the surrounding area.