Decision made after two years of hearing
The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), Local 901, is pleased to announce that effective Feb. 16, research assistants at Queen’s University joined the union following a vote.
Almost 600 research assistants cast their ballots for union certification on April 30, 2014, however following an order from the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB), the ballot box remained sealed to determine the eligibility of individuals, according to the union.
After two years of OLRB hearings, including statements written by research assistants describing their work, the OLRB ruled that the assistants have the right to unionize and can therefore join PSAC, said the union.
“Research assistants at Queen’s University will now be able to have a say in their working conditions and the collective power of joining our union,” said Craig Berggold, PSAC Local 901 president.