Employees call for improvements to pay, benefits
Quebec ferry workers continue to strike, with labour action expected to last until at least Oct. 22.
Talks between the Société des Traversiers du Québec (STQ) and the more than 150 mechanics and navigation officers broke down on Oct. 17, after STQ tabled its final offer.
The employees — represented by the Métallos union (USW) Local 9599 — are calling for increased wages and improvements to parental and retirement benefits.
Ferry services between Lévis and Sorel-Tracey remain cancelled while services between Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola, Isle-aux-Coudres-St-Joseph-de-la-Rive, Matane-Baie-Comeau-Godbout and Tadoussac-Baie-Sainte-Catherine Sauenay River Crossing continue to be affected.