Pro-Tec Fire Services of Canada

Wabush, N.L. (3 firefighters) and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), Local 90940

Renewal agreement: Effective April 28, 2017, to June 30, 2019. Signed on April 28, 2017.
Paid holidays: 9 days. 
Vacations with pay: 144 hours after 1 year. 
Overtime: Time and one-half for all work after regularly scheduled hours. 
Medical benefits: Employer pays 60% of premiums, employee pays 40% of premiums.
Dental: Employer pays 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premiums.
Sick leave: 10 hours per month, maximum 288 hours. 
LTD: Employer pays 50% of premiums, employee pays 50% of premiums for coverage of 66 2/3% of wages. 
Pension: Employer will match employee’s contributions to pension plan, maximum 3%.
Bereavement leave: 2 days for death in immediate family (spouse, common-law partner, parent, child, sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild, parent-in-law, relative/person with whom employee has experienced very close relationship). Additional time for travel will not be unreasonably withheld.
Call-in pay: Time and one-half for all hours worked or minimum 3 hours, whichever is greater. 
Probationary period: 12 months. 
Discipline: Sunset clause is 30 months.
Safety shoes: $200 per year for CSA-approved safety footwear. 
Uniforms/clothing: Employer will provide uniforms and replace after normal wear and tear. 
Sample rates of hourly pay (current, after 4% increase):
New recruit: $42.25 rising 2 steps to $43.96
12 months: $44.25 rising 2 steps to $45.96
24 months: $46.25 rising 2 steps to $47.96
30 months: $46.82 rising 2 steps to $48.71
Editor’s notes: Parking: Employer will provide parking with electrical plug-ins at no cost to employees provided employer receives same from Wabush airport. Northern allowance: Employees will be entitled to northern allowance benefit of $4,000 per year. Vacation-travel allowance: Employer will pay to each employee on April 1 of each year vacation travel allowance of $1,250 for each employee and $1,000 for spouse and each dependant of employee.

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