Allows for downloading agreements, recent publications

The Ministry of Labour unveiled a new website for collective-bargaining information in Ontario on Nov. 14.
Collective Bargaining Ontario is a new source on labour relations in the province. The centralized hub will allow visitors to get a picture of labour relations in Ontario through interactive charts and graphs on wage trends, collective bargaining negotiations and work disruptions; search and download any collective agreement submitted to the ministry via the collective agreement e-Library; download recent publications on collective bargaining highlights, according to the ministry.
The new Collective Bargaining Ontario website provides users with a self-serve digital and interactive interface in accessing collective-bargaining information and is designed to give access to the most up-to-date data, with 24/7 availability through a computer, laptop or mobile device, said the ministry.
The website will continue to change with the rollout of a new electronic mechanism for submitting DRS (Dispute Resolution Services) requests and expanded interactive reporting scheduled for release in 2019, according to the ministry.